Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Information

Baby Bunnies
Before reading this book I had no idea really about rabbits and their pregnancy cycle, but I actually learned a lot. As many people know, rabbits do have many, many babies. you know how the saying goes, "They breed like rabbits," meaning that they are expert reproducers. But something that I learned was that sometimes baby rabbits that die in their mothers wombs are absorbed back into the mother's bodies. In Watership Down the rabbits have a legend of how that came to be, it goes like this, "Long ago El-ahrairah (the father of all Rabbits), made a deal with Frith (the rabbit god). Frith promised him that rabbits were not to be born dead or unwanted. if there's little chance of a decent life for them, it's a does's privilege to take them back into her body unborn."

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